Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yellow Drops & Lemon Roses

I bought ingredients for lemon drops the other day, and decided they were a nice classy cocktail to have while I got gussied up for AKPsi's Yellow Rose. Plus I finally had something to serve in the martini glasses Andie and Alina gave me for my birthday (but which only got to me recently because the first shipment shattered because Target was dumb enough to put the glasses box inside of a bigger box with no bubble wrap).

[1/125 sec, f3.5, ISO 400, 28mm, w/flash]

They were nice pre-party drinks for Allison, Adrian, and myself before heading to the AKPsi house, where trays of swanky fruit-filled jello shots were begging to be toasted with.

They bussed us to Avalon, and we had to wait in line for a while, but we got in for free and got wristbands for the VIP area AKPsi rented out for the night. The only thing that sucked was they only played techno music, but it was still enjoyable because I was too drunk to care what music they played as long as I could dance to it.

After lots of dancing, I retired to sit with Adrian, asleep on a couch in the VIP area. A trip to get water at the downstairs bar resulted in a trip of another kind -- and a twisted ankle. It's all swollen, and even drunk I was limping on it. I'm sure the heels didn't help either.


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